A.Let me start by saying success is only hard because your not willing to work at it, let me ask you this question.
Do you prefer? To watch TV or make money (even if it including you having to clock in at your job or in this case spend some time looking for customers to build your business) Having fun or going to a seminar (to learn to how grow your business & better yourself what's more important to you) Whats always on your mind? is it your success, business, future? What is your why? What is your passion? 3 Killers that stop you from doing anything A. Fear - False evidence appearing real People looking at an opportunity to make money for themselves as a joke lets take network marketing for example. They say you have to get in on the ground floor and you can make money NOT TRUE their first answer is No, when you ask them would you like to make some extra money. In a Job you have to go to work where people tell you what to do. Owning a business you have to be disciplined & motivated to get out there & work. You're either going to face everything and run or you will rise to the top, some people find it easier to find excuses and reason not to work for themselves. Some people don't what to build their own dreams they are comfortable building someone else's B. Excuses I. Money How many times have you said I wish i had more money? or I need to make more money! or I don't have any money. You can have the money you want if you would learn to either save it or invest it or make money on the side Robert Kiyosaki stated " the greatest financial struggle is caused by "FEAR' if your afraid to make money than your going to be poor you can make money and excuses but you can't make both II.Limits My dad would always tell me Never say you can't cause when you do you put a limit to yourself and most of the time your right cause you never really tried. I recommend you read "21 irrefutable Laws of Leadership" & "How Successful People Think" both books by John C Maxwell. Changed my mindset and has allowed me to go beyond my expectations. III. Yourself You are your biggest set back cause alot of us will use excuses which will hurt us from being successful we base our looks on our success for example " A man goes to an interview dressed up in a a suit and a woman shows up for an interview as well she is in pajama bottoms and a t-shirt . Both were interviewing for the same Job Who do you think was hired? The answer it was the woman WHY? cause she was confident and she didn't care about how she looked. People say it's don't matter nowadays how we look but it does I like to say " Dress your best ready for success". Always hold your head up High C.Negativity I. People Now we have Friends Family that want us to be successful and if that's true then, why are they the first to be negative to what we want to do whether we join a Networking marketing company or open a business of our own. True story: I signed up for Everest College and my mom said to me " you know it will be hard for you cause of your disability and that I can't help you". I didn't go to college I told my mom I wanted to be a music artist She Said " NO you can't cause you have never gone to school you have to do math" (I HATE MATH) I was hurt. Today: I am a business Owner of a DJ company for 7 yrs & an owner of a Coffee company & a music artist today One's opinion don't have to be you reality,My mentor has told me what you think of me is non of my business. so next time your friends, family, or anybody else tell you can't do it and show them that you can. II.Thoughts We allow our thoughts beat us, when you had an Idea you had it down to the exact way you wanted it to be. For example: You perfect type car think about how you want it to look like what color, what kind of tires, what kind of rims, the steering wheel is it leather or wood grain, what kind of seats, is it 2 or 4 door. Now that you have a picture of your future car, Build it NOW...the question you mind is saying is either "How" or "that would cost a lot" or "I cant" III. Words Yes Words can be negative or positive, by your words are your justified by your words are you condemned. in order to be successful i have to Change my thoughts, words, & Actions What is you WHY Family We all need family they need to be your Why to keep going especially our Wife & kids, if your working a JOB and your (Just over broke or Just on Bills) then your need a Plan B. Vacation What Vacation do you and your family been wanting to go on maybe you been wanting to go to Walt Disney World or out of Country. Did you know that if we take a vacation and then come back we will be refreshed Kids Kids should be your #1 reason for you to do something 10X your Dreams & Goals What kind of house do you want how many sq ft do you want your house to be how many bedrooms bathrooms, What about your new car what kind do you want to drive, how much money do you want to make. What kind of life do you want to live all of these are just goals and you have to write them down and speak them out loud. and these start appearing in your life people will ask what your doing, that's how you know your having success at what you do. Always give 100% Always expect to win where your focus goes your energy flows, don't let the people distract you from you destiny and success focus on being a champion.
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From Lil Saint to YouI use my wisdom to motivate others Archives
September 2016